hi human, harness the power of cutting-edge

ai / ml technology.

We turn futuristic concepts into practical solutions for today.
AI Platforms Tested
Models Evaluated
Lab Experiments

AI Demos & Examples

Experience the future today, view what’s possible through real-world examples of our powerful AI.

Don’t get left behind
Stay ahead of the curve

AI Intelligence Reports

Gain a competitive advantage in the AI battlespace. Our intel reports are rapidly disseminated by the Lab’s joint AI Analysts and Data Science Task force.

Recent Intel Reports

About Us

AlienLab is an advanced AI Automation Agency at the forefront of the open-source AI revolution. We test and deploy complex, bleeding-edge AI systems so you don’t have to!

What We Do.

We help clients identify, harness, and take advantage of AI/ML based opportunities. Using a blend of open and closed source software, our solutions deliver cost savings and productivity increases to our clients.

Who We Are.

Distilled from many years of experience, our AI automation team is comprised of bright and talented minds. Our collective mindshare provides high-level expertise across the artificial intelligence landscape.


Our Leadership

Russell Winslow

Lead Scientist (SVP AI/ML)

Digital strategy expert & entrepreneur uses tech to drive innovation & growth.

Gary Tiratsuyan

Lead Scientist (SVP Agency Ops)

"The Executer", experienced commander of AI/ML, leads Agency Operations.

Russell Winslow

Lead Scientist

Digital strategy expert & entrepreneur uses tech to drive innovation & growth.

Gary Tiratsuyan

Lead Scientist
(SVP Agency Ops)

"The Executer", experienced commander of AI/ML, leads Agency Operations.

Benefits of AI/ML

Unlock the transformative power of AI implementations in modern enterprises.

Enhance Productivity

Imagine a workplace where routine tasks are seamlessly handled by AI, freeing human creativity for more complex challenges.


Picture a boardroom where decisions are no longer just gut-driven but informed by a wealth of data analyzed by AI, offering insights beyond human capabilities.

Improved Experience

Envision a world where customers feel deeply understood and valued, thanks to AI’s personalized and responsive service.


AI introduces a new cohort in your team, one that can identify patterns and solutions invisible to the human eye, propelling your business into a future of innovative problem-solving.

Cost Reduction

Visualize a streamlined operation where AI-driven automation significantly reduces operational costs, leading to a healthier bottom line.

Predictive Analytics

Imagine a future where you’re not reacting to market changes but anticipating them, thanks to AI’s predictive analytics.

Enhanced Security

In a world where digital threats loom large, AI stands as a vigilant guardian, protecting your data and assets with unparalleled efficiency.

Global Reach

AI breaks down language and accessibility barriers, allowing your business to connect with a diverse, global audience.

Sustainable Operations

Picture a greener operation where AI optimizes resource use, reducing your environmental footprint.

Competitive Adv.

In the narrative of your industry, AI positions your business as a leading character, staying ahead of the curve and setting trends.

Empower Creativity

AI fosters a creative renaissance in business, offering tools that transform ideas into innovative products and services.

Skill Development

AI enables continuous learning and skill enhancement for employees, keeping your team at the forefront of industry advancements.